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Bag collections for flats above shops

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Bag collections for flats above shops

Your recycling and rubbish should be put out at the right time and in the right place on your collection day.  

It is important that you only put your bags out at the set times, and that they are securely fastened. 

Rubbish that is put out too early can block the pavement and be ripped open by foxes. 

You can find the details of your collection times, or how to use new containers,  by visiting the page for your area: 

If you don’t live in one of these areas, please have your recycling and rubbish outside your property by 7am on your collection day.   

Getting bin bags 

We deliver clear recycling bags and orange rubbish bags every six months. You can also order recycling bags when you need them. 

Recycling bags 

Order clear recycling bags 

Orange rubbish bags 

To check when your next scheduled delivery is, or request more orange bags, please contact Veolia