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Summer Reading Challenge 2024

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Summer Reading Challenge 2024

The summer reading challenge is a vital initiative designed to encourage children to keep reading during the summer holidays, ensuring they are ready for a great start to the new term in the autumn. Did you know that 1 in 4 children cannot read well by the age of 11? This hugely limits their life choices and skills, and we’re on a mission to change this.

When is it?

The challenge runs from Saturday July 13 - Saturday September 14 at all Camden libraries. 

What are the activities?

This year's Challenge, themed "Marvellous Makers," is all about creativity! From dance to drawing, junk modelling to music, there’s something for everyone, thanks to a partnership with the leading arts charity, Create.

Children set a reading goal and collect rewards for reading anything they enjoy. Whether it's a book, comic, magazine, eBook, or audiobook - they all count. Read books and collect stickers and other rewards for your reading (watch out for the smelly stickers…). Add the stickers to your Marvellous Makers collector’s foldout poster to complete the Challenge.

Sign up 

Children can sign up at their local library or online, and it’s FREE to take part. Go to your library this summer to get started and make this summer marvellous with Camden libraries! For more information and how to sign up, visit Summer Reading Challenge