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Reporting crime, abuse, nuisance and seeking support

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Reporting crime, abuse, nuisance and seeking support


If you are in immediate danger or witnessing a crime please contact the police by calling 999.

Reporting crime

Call the police on 101 or online to report non-emergencies

Report crime anonymously

If you want to report a crime, but you do not want to be identified to the police you can call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or online

Crimestoppers will ask questions about the crime you have information on but will never ask questions about you.

Reporting abuse

Reporting nuisances or other types of anti-social behaviour

Please report on the Love Clean Street App for any street cleaning issues

Support and self-help resources

Victim Support

Victim support is an independent charity that helps people cope with the effects of crime. Free and confidential support and information is provided to help victims. They support and advocate on behalf of victims and informs of their rights within the criminal justice system.

The Antisocial Behaviour Project in Camden can offer emotional support, practical advice, and advocacy to those affected by antisocial behaviour.

Call: 020 7506 3224

Email: [email protected]

Referrals or Information on Mental Health Services

There are several services across Camden that support those with mental health or substance abuse, you can find more information or resources at Camden's Mental Health and Wellbeing

Dog Hub

The dog hub helps dog owners across Camden support responsible dog ownership by providing training and advice and, in more difficult cases, behaviour modification programmes. 

If you have any safety concerns surrounding a dog, please ensure this is reported to the police.

Crime Prevention Advice from the Metropolitan Police

Practical crime prevention advice from officers and specialist teams.